March 2, 2012

Please allow me to introduce this blog: it’s a man of wealth and—No, wait.


Uh, hi. If you’re reading this, you’re probably my friend and/or feel sorry for me, which… Thanks! It’s appreciated, and you are suitably awesome. You may also love Doctor Who as I do, and that is also awesome. Allow me to offer you this cupcake:

So… why Doctor Who?

Well, a couple of reasons: (1) Why not?! and (2) Because it’s fun.

But why Doctor Who for me? Well… I find immortal things endlessly fascinating. And the term “immortal” seems to apply to both this show and its title character, so I am endlessly fascinated times two.

It intrigues me because there are so many things you can do to something/one that doesn’t die, and there are equally as many things you can have that something/one become in order to explore the human condition.

It shouldn’t be a secret—living forever sucks. It has to. It is inevitable for a forever-life to suck. Wellllll, unless you live in Happy Unicorn Rainbow Puppy Land, and I don’t believe we’ve visited that one yet…

So I wanna see what Doctor Who does with my endless fascination, and what it does with the Doctor’s sucky forever-life (generalizing atrociously here; it’s not always sucky, but spoilers!). And this blog is gonna let me share that with you, gentle reader, and also satisfy my vanity. It’s insatiable, my vanity is…

In short, welcome! And ALLONS-Y!


  1. "I find immortal things endlessly fascinating." Me too! It's part of the reason why I watched Torchwood for as long as I did. Also, one of my favorite books, "Wild Seed" is about two immortals.

    I didn't know you were starting this!

    1. Oh, Torchwood... I just finished Children of Earth, and it was one of the most thrilling, depressing, and perfect TV experiences of my life.

      But yes, I find myself drawn to immortality. It's why I like vampires so much, too. Proper vampires, that is...

    2. Children of Earth is one of my favorite seasons of TV. I hated the show for the most part until the episode "Adam". (I just remembered that I did like the episodes "Out of Time" and "Captain Jack Harkness" from the first season.)

      Miracle Day didn't start off well. And I realized that three of my favorite characters died which left Jack and Gwen. I hate Gwen. That last scene in Children of Earth when she says something to the effect of, "What am I supposed to do?" made me want to throw my laptop out of the window. WTF. His boyfriend just died and he had to kill his grandson. Give a guy some space. Plus, she had Rhys to annoy and Jack didn't have anyone. (These aren't real people, Self. They aren't real! :/)

    3. Not to mention that his daughter will probably never speak to him again. Shit, I'd run away, too.

      You know, Gwen kind of reminds me of Lori from The Walking Dead. I HATE Lori from The Walking Dead.
