I’ll be honest. If I had the same circumstances surrounding me, I can’t promise I wouldn’t act as Rose did in Father’s Day.
… Don’t look at me that way, Doctor.
Please? I mean, you’ve gotta understand, she never knew him!
… Okay, I can see you’re upset, and you’ve got some right to be, but let me explain…
Uh… Thanks?
Up ‘til now, the only reference we’d had to Rose’s father was way back in The Unquiet Dead, when Gwyneth mentioned that Rose had been thinking about him lately.
And I honestly didn’t even make that connection until embarrassingly recently.
First of all, I hate that Rose has this desire to go see her dad so soon after their having got rid of that tool Adam, and that this all ends up confirming the Doctor’s conceptions about humans being selfish apes. Not in a bad way… I mean, I love that Rose isn’t above being selfish in the first place, that she’s not some angel/saint of virtue who lives on selflessness and charity. In truth, she’d be way unrealistic as a character if the idea had never even crossed her mind. However. I don’t think she’d originally planned to save Pete. I don’t even think that crossed her mind until she saw just how painful it was to actually see him die.
And I don’t think the Doctor fully believes that she’d been planning this from the start, either.
It’s just… That fucktard Adam had just tried to take advantage of the Doctor, and it’s not like the Doctor doesn’t have some prejudices to get over when it comes to humans, not to mention that the Doctor broke some rules to do this, and Rose temporarily telling the universe to fuck off just so that she could have her daddy again is something that is bound to strike a chord with a Doctor who’s lost everyone and everything that ever mattered to him and can’t have that luxury.
Right? I mean, I’m not wrong here. I know.
And yet… How can your heart not break when you see this?
I mean, seriously?
Only the Doctor can have given this to her. Granted, in a somewhat roundabout way, but still…
And so this is why their fight kills me. I can see the Doctor’s point of view (destruction of the universe, betrayal of trust, general ape-ish stupidity), but I also can’t fault Rose. The absence of her father has shaped her (just like someone else is shaped by his losses *ahem*), and it’s understandable that she should wonder what his presence would do.
You get that, Doctor, don’t you?
I know you do. You do, because when it comes to trying to solve the whole time-eating thing problem, you do everything to avoid having to take Pete away from Rose again. You even sacrifice yourself to avoid it. And I love you for that, Doctor, I really do.
Now…go and make up with Rose while I write this list.
- I love that Pete’s not what Rose was led to believe he was. He’s flawed, of course, but remarkably self-aware and smart. Pete, this bullet point is dedicated to my love of you.
- Oh, the Doctor’s angry. I don’t like it when he’s angry. :(
- “When we met, I said ‘Travel with me in space.’ You said no. Then I said ‘Time machine.’” No, no, please don’t think this!
- Oh, Rose, don’t use his loneliness against him! This fight’s making me want to curl up in the fetal position and whimper. :(
- “I know what you're saying and we're not going there. At no point are we going anywhere near there. You aren't even aware that ‘there’ exists. I don't even want to think about ‘there’ and believe me, neither do you. ‘There’—for you—is like... It's like the Bermuda Triangle.” “Blimey, you know how to flatter a bloke.”
- Aww, baby Rose!
- “I’ve waited a long time to say this: Jackie Tyler, do as I say!”
(Source of both)
- “So if this mate of yours isn't your boyfriend then I have to say I’m glad, because being your dad I’m allowed to say he’s a bit old for you.” Love you, Pete!
- Oh, wouldja look at that, Mickey was always clingy!
- “Now, Rose, you’re not gonna bring about the end of the world, are you?”
- “Just… tell me you’re sorry.” What are these feelings in my heart?!
- I love that Pete figures it out. He’s a smart guy.
(Source, both) Me:
The Empty Child next.
This whole episode is a big ball of sad. That's really all I can say. :'( Go Doctor and Pete for both sacrificing themselves to save everyone. My heart also broke and yet was super happy when the Doctor asked Rose to just say sorry and then cracked a huge smile when she did. :)
ReplyDeleteI love this episode more than most things. It leaves me a broken shell of a human being, but still...